回复: 2005年北京Case议事大厅~柠檬花园/第十山地师

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Case Processing Centre
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
P.O. Box 7000
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公民服务中心收到申请文件后会寄给你 A LOOK AT CANADA 的书,你可开始阅读此书,准备考试。18-59岁申请者要参加考试。申请要等待时间4至8个月。有一本中英文的入籍参考书非常有用,里面有200个复习题和答案。
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1、What are the rights and responsibilities of a citizen?
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms sets out the democratic rights and fundamental freedoms of all Canadians. Some rights are essential for Canadian citizens:
the right to vote or to be a candidate in federal and provincial elections;
the right to enter, remain in or leave Canada;
the right to earn a living and reside in any province or territory;
minority language education rights (English or French); and
the right to apply for a Canadian passport.
Canadian citizenship also implies the following responsibilities:
to obey Canada's laws;
to vote in the federal, provincial and municipal elections;
to discourage discrimination and injustice;
to respect the rights of others;
to respect public and private property; and
to support Canada's ideals in building the country we all share.
2、Who is entitled to apply for Canadian citizenship?
You can apply for Canadian citizenship if you:
are at least 18 years of age;
have been a legal permanent resident in Canada for three out of the previous four years;
can communicate in English or French; and
have knowledge of Canada, including the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
1. Name one right of Canadian Citizenship
a. to run as a candidate in a federal election*
b. to drive a car
c. to own land
d. to run a business
2. What do you write on a federal election ballot?
a. the name of your province
b. your telephone number and address
c. an "x" beside your name
d. an "x" beside the name of one candidate*
3. Who has the right to run as a candidate in federal elections?
a. tax payers
b. professors
c. landed immigrants
d. Canadian citizens*
4. What does the Notice of Confirmation of Registration Card tell you?
a. where to register your name with Election Canada
b. the names of candidates seeking federal election
c. when and where to vote*
d. it confirms your Canadian citizenship
5. What is Queen's representative in Canada called?
a. the prime Minister
b. the Deputy Prime Minister
c. the Magistrate
d. the Governor General*
6. When is Canada Day celebrated?
a. April 17
b. July 1*
c. November 11
d. May 24
7. Who was Canada's first Prime Minister?
a. Lester B. Pearson
b. John A. Macdonald*
c. Wilfrid Laurier
d. Elienne Cartier
8. What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship/
a. to be loyal to the Queen of Canada*
b. never leave Canada
c. to run in a federal election
d. to apply for a Canadian passport
9. Who are the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada? The inuit, the First Nations(or Indian)and
a. the Metis*
b. the Scottish
c. the Irish
d. the French
10. Which four provinces joined together in Confederation? Ontario,Nova Scotia,
a. Quebec and New Brunswick*
b. Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick
c. Prince Edward Island and Alberta
d. Quebec and Manitoba
11. What are the territories of northern Canada?
a. Yukon and British Columbia
b. Yukon, North West Territories and Nunavut*
c. North West Territories and Labrador
d. Yukon and Labrador
12. What emblem is on the Canadian flag?
a. a beaver
b. a unicorn
c. an eagle
d. a maple leaf*
13. Identify the service for which the federal government is responsible
a. parking by-law
b. foreign policy*
c. fire protection
d. health care
14 Which province has the largest population?
a. Ontario*
b. Quebec
c. British Columbia
d. Nova Scotia
15. Which are the Prairie Provinces?
a. Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Alberta
b. Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba*
c. Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Manitoba
d. Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba
16. What part of the constitution protects the rights of Canadians?
a. the Declaration of Independence
b. the Citizenship Act
c. the Constitution Act of 1985
d. the Charter of rights and Freedoms*
17. Which list best identifies citizenship responsibilities?
a. learn both official languages, buy property and recycle newspapers
b. be loyal to Canada, recycle newspapers and drive a car
c. respect the rights of others, care for Canada's heritage and support Canada's ideals*
d. respect public and private property, buy property and own your own business
18. What is the name of the Prime Minister of Canada?
a. Lucien Bouchard
b. Jean Charest
c. Paul Martin *
d. Preston Manning
19. What do members of political parties do?
a. develop the policies of the party *
b. write the Voter's list
c. review the government's budget and approve government spending
d. elect the government and appoint the Cabinet
20. What types of jobs are most Canadians employed in?
a.. agricultural jobs such as raising crops and animals
e. Natural resource jobs such as mining, fishing and forestry
f. Service jobs such as working in hospitals, offices and schools *
g. Research jobs such as medicine and computer technology
Direction: Draw a circle around the letter beside the best answer There is only one correct answer to each question
1. How do you vote in a Canadian election?
a. by raised hand
b. by computer
c. by telephone
d. by secret ballot*
2. Who has the right to vote in federal elections?
a. property owners
b. Canadian citizens*
c. Tax payers
d. Landed immigrants
3. What should you do if you do not receive a Notice of Confirmation of Registration Card?
a. contact the federal political party in power
b. contact Election Canada*
c. contact your regional government representative
d. contact the House of Commons
4. circle the letter which best identifies citizenship rights
a. right to vote in federal and provincial elections and to apply for a Canadian passport*
b. right to own land and vote in a federal election
c. right to apply for a Canadian passport and work in the United States
d. right to be a candidate in a federal election and own your own business
5. which group of mountains divides Alberta and British Columbia?
a. the Coastal range
b. the Laurentians
c. the Appalachians
d. the Rockies*
6. What does Canada Day celebrate?
a. the anniversary of Confederation in 1867*
b. Canadian bill of rights
c. The end of world War I
d. The World War II
7. Identify the services for which your municipal government is responsible
a. Highways
b. Foreign policy
c. Postal service
d. Building regulations*
8.What is the capital of Canada?
a. Montreal
b. Toronto
c. Vancouver
d. Ottawa*
9.What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship?
a. never leave Canada
b. obey the laws of Canada*
c. apply for a Canadian passport
d. give up your former citizenship
10.What song is Canada's Anthem?
a. God Save the Queen
b. The Maple Leaf Forever
c. O Canada*
d. Canada Is
11.On what date did Nunavut become a territory?
a. April1,1949
b. April 1, 1999*
c. July 1,1999
d. July 1,1867
12.What did early English settlers do on the Hudson Bay shore?
a. set up hospitals
b. set up diamond mines
c. set up wheat farms
d. set up fishing and trading post*
13.What part of the constitution protects the right of Canadians?
a. the Statute of Westminster
b. the Citizenship Act
c. the Multiculturalism Act
d. the Charter of Rights and Freedom*
14.Which four provinces joined together in Confederation ? New Brunswick, Quebec,
a. Manitoba and Ontario
b. Newfoundland and Nova Scotia
c. Ontario and Nova Scotia*
d. Nova Scotia and Alberta
15.How are Members of Parliament chosen?
a. they are appointed by the Senate
b. they are chosen by the provincial Premiers
c. they are elected by the Canadian citizens*
d. they are appointed by the Prime Minister
16.What is the government for all of Canada called?
a. provincial government
b. municipal government
c. judicial government
d. federal government*
17.Name one responsibility of Canadian citizenship
a. to buy a house
b. to tell how you voted
c. to change your name
d. to respect the rights of others*
18.What is the role of the Official Opposition?
a. to debate and improve the laws proposed by the government*
b. to defeat the government
c. to support all the laws proposed by the government
d. to call for new elections
19.What is the Queen's representative in each province called?
a. the Magistrate
b. the Premier
c. the Lieutenant Governor*
d. a Member of the Assembly
20.Who do Members of Parliament represent?
a. only Canadian citizens in their ridings
b. the provinces
c. only property owners in their ridings
d. everyone in their ridings*
Direction: Draw a circle around the letter beside the best answer There is only one correct answer to each question
1. Who do Canadian vote for in federal election?
a. Members of the Assembly
b. Members of Parliament*
c. Judges
d. Senators
2. Who has the right to run as a candidate in federal elections?
a. business owners
b. landed immigrants
c. medical doctors
d. Canadian citizens*
3. What does the Notice of Confirmation of Registration Card tell you?
a. Where to register your name with Election Canada
b. The names of candidates seeking federal election
c. When and where to vote*
d. It confirms your Canadian citizenship
4. What is printed on a federal election ballot?
a. the name of the voter
b. the names of the candidates and their parties
c. the name of the enumerator
d. the names of aldermen and alderwomen
5. What are the three parts pf Parliament? The Senate, The Queen(represented by the Governor General),and
a. the Constitution
b. the House of Representatives
c. the House of Commons*
d. the Enumerators
6. What is the capital of Canada
a. Calgary
b. Vancouver
c. Halifax
d. Ottawa*
7. Who are the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada? The Metis, The First Nations (or Indians),and
a. the French
b. the Scottish
c. Inuit*
d. The Iroquois
8. Which four provinces joined together in Confederation?
Ontario, New Brunswick and
a. Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
b. British Columbia and Quebec
c. Quebec and Nova Scotia*
d. Quebec and Prince Edward Island
9. What types of jobs are most Canadians employed in?
a. natural resource jobs such as mining and forestry
b. service jobs such as working in offices and schools*
c. research job such as medicine and computer technology
d. agriculture jobs such as raising crops and animals
10. What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship?
a. to buy only Canada products
b. to be loyal to the Queen of Canada*
c. to apply for a Canadian passport
d. to run in a federal election
11. Which province was the last to join Confederation?
a. Newfoundland*
b. Prince Edward Island
c. Saskatchewan
d. British Columbia
12. What is the name of the Prime Minister of Canada?
a. Preston Manning
b. Lucien Bouchard
c. Jean Charest
d. Paul Martin *
13. When did the Charter of Rights and Freedoms become part of the Canadian Constitution?
a. 1982*
b. 1967
c. 1972
d. 1868
14. Identify the service for which the provincial government is responsible
a. citizenship
b. public libraries
c. fire protection
d. health care*
15.What does Canada Day celebrate?
a. the end of World War I
b. the Queen's birthday
c. the anniversary of Confederation in 1867*
d. Canadian Bill of rights
16. What is Canada's system of government called
a. a congressional system
b. a dictatorship
c. a republic
d. a parliamentary democracy*
17. Name one right of Canadian citizenship
a. to be given preference for certain jobs*
b. to own a house
c. to join a union
d. to own land
18. Which three oceans surround Canada?
a. Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans*
b. Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans
c. South Pacific, North Atlantic and Indian Oceans
d. Arctic, Pacific and Indian Oceans
19. In which type of industry did most European settlers work?
a. the manufacturing industry
b. the fur trade and fishing*
c. the service industry
d. the mining industry
20. Which list best identifies citizenship responsibilities?
a. learn both official languages, buy property and recycle newspapers
b. respect the rights of others, care for Canada's heritage and support Canada's ideals*
c. be loyal to Canada, recycle newspapers and drive a car
d. respect public and private property, buy property and own your own business
Direction: Draw a circle around the letter beside the best answer There is only one correct answer to each question
1. Circle the letter which best identifies citizenship rights.
a. right to own land and work in hospital
b. right to be a candidate in a federal election and own your own business
c. right to apply for a Canadian passport and own a business
d. right to vote in federal and provincial elections and right to enter and leave Canada at will *
2. What should you do if you do not receive a Notice of Confirmation of registration Card for a federal election?
a. contact the federal political party in power
b. contact election Canada *
c. contact your regional government representative
d. contact the House of Commons
3. How do you vote in a Canadian election?
a. by telephone
b. by raised hand
c. by secret ballot *
d. by computer
4.Who has the right to run as a candidate in federal election?
a. business owners
b. Canadian citizens*
c. University professors
d. Landed immigrants
5. On what date did Nunavut become a territory?
a. April 1,1949
b. April 1, 1999*
c. July 1,1999
d. July 1, 1867
6. What the Queen's representative in Canada called?
a. the Deputy Prime Minester
b. the Speaker of the House
c. the Prime Minister
d. the Governor General*
7.Which group of mountains divides British Columbia and Alberta?
a. the Rockeys*
b. the Laurentians
c. the Appalachians
d. the Coastal Range
8.Who was Canada's first Prime Minister?
a. Lester B. Pearson
b. Wilfrid Laurier
c. John A.Macdonald*
d. Elienne Cartier
9.How are Senators chosen?
a. they are elected by voters
b. they are chosen by the provincial premiers
c. they are appointed by the Prime Minister and the Governor General*
d. they are appointed Lieutenant Governors
10.When did the Charter of Rights and Freedom become part of the Canadian Constitution?
e. 1972
11.Who are the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada?The Inuits,the First Nations(or Indians),and
a. the Metis*
b. the Scottish
c. the French
d. theIroquois
12.Identify the services for which municipal governments are responsible
a. foreign policyand unemployment insurance
b. community libraries and fire protection*
c. education and national defense
d. health care and highways
13. Which province in Canada is the smallest in land size?
a. British Columbia
b. Prince Edward Island*
c. Newfoundland
d. Nova Scotia
14.Who do Canadians vote for in a federal election?
a. Council members
b. Senators
c. Members of the Assembly
d. Members of Parliament*
15 Which four provinces joined together in Confederation? Ontario, New Brunswick,
a. Prince Edward Island and Manitoba
b. Nova Scotia and Quebec*
c. British Columbia and Quebec
d. Nova Scotia and Alberta
16.Name one responsibility of Canadian citizenship
a. to buy property
b. to tell how you voted
c. to join a union
d. to obey Canada's law
17.When did Newfoundland join Confederation?
a. 1905
b. 1949*
c. 1896
d. 1873
18.Who do members of Parliament represent?
a. everyone in their ridings*
b. the provinces
c. only registered voters in their ridings
d. only property owners in their ridings
19.What are Canada's official languages?
a. French and Spanish
b. English, German and French
c. English and French*
d. English and Italian
20.What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship?
a. to buy only Canadian products
b. to be loyal to the Queen of Canada*
c. to get a Canadian passport
d. to travel to the United States of America
Direction: Draw a circle around the letter beside the best answer There is only one correct answer to each question
1. What is printed on a federal election ballot?
a. the names of aldermen or alderwomen
b. the names of the candidates and their parties*
c. the name of the voter
d. the name of the enumerator
2. who has the right to vote in federal elections?
a. landed immigrants
b. Canadian citizens*
c. Property owners
d. University graduates
3. Which list best identifies citizenship rights?
a. right to apply for a Canadian passport, work in the United States and change your name
b. right to be a candidate in a federal election, right to drive a car and own your own business
c. right to own land, vote in federal election and work in a hospital
d. right to vote in federal and provincial elections, right to enter and leave Canada at will and minority language rights
4. What should you do if you do not receive a Notice of Confirmation of Registration Card for a federal election?
a. contact the federal political party in power
b. contact your regional government representative
c. contact the House of Commons
d. contact Election Canada*
5. Who are the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada? The Inuit, the Metis and
a. the French
b. the Scottish
c. the First Nations(or Indian)*
d. the Irish
6. Which province has the largest population?
a. British Columbia
b. Ontario*
c. Quebec
d. Prince Edward Island
7. What part of the constitution protects the right of Canadians?
a. the Charter of Rights and Freedoms*
b. the Statute of Westminster
c. the Declaration of Independence
d. the Citizenship Act
8. Indentify the services for which provincial governmennts are responsible
a. postal services and nation defense
b. schools and child welfare*
c. parking by-laws and fire protection
d. foreign policy and citizenship
9. Which are the Prairie Provinces?
a. Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Manitoba
b. Saskatchewan,Alberta and Manitoba*
c. Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Alberta
d. Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba
10. What emblem is on the Canadian flag?
a. a beaver
b. a star
c. a maple leaf*
d. an eagle
11. What are the territories of northern Canada?
a. Yukon and British Columbia
b. Yukon and Labrador
c. North west Territories and Labrador
d. Yukon, North West Territories and Nunavut*
12. What is the Queen's representative in each province called?
a. the Premier
b. the Lieutenant Governor*
c. a Meember of the House of Assemble
d. the Speaker of the House
13. What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship/
a. run in federal election
b. never leave Canada
c. buy only Canadian products
d. be loyal to the Queen of Canada
14.On what date did Nunavut become a territory?
a. April 1,1949
b. April 1, 1999*
c. July 1,1999
d. July 1,1867
15. Which group of mountains divides Alberta and British Columbia?
a. the Coastal Range
b. the Laurentians
c. the Appalachians
d. the Rockies*
16. After a federal election, which party forms the new government?
a. the party with the most Senators
b. the party with the most votes
c. the party with the most elected Members of Parliament*
d. the party which had the most candidates running for election
17. Which four provinces joined together in Confederation? Ontario, Nova Scotia,
a. Prince Edward Island and Manitoba
b. Quebec and New Brunswick*
c. Quebec and Manitoba
d. Prince Edward Island and Quebec
18. What is the name of the Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons?
a. Lucien Bouchard
b. Jean Charest
c. Stockwell Day* (notesut of date)
d. Preston Manning
19. Name one responsibility of Canadian citizenship.
a. obey Canada's laws*
b. tell how you vote
c. change your name
d. buy property
20. When is Canada Day celebrated?
a. July 1*
b. May 24
c. November 11
d. April 17
Direction: Draw a circle around the letter beside the best answer There is only one correct answer to each question
Good Luck for your Test.