川普今天早上接受大选之后的首次电视采访(福克斯新闻)。抱怨他在大选之后的法律诉讼中一败涂地,是因为不被允许提供证据,法官根本不想管,他们(法官)说你站不住脚 。
"This election was rigged. This election was a total fraud and it continues to be as they hide. And the problem we have, we go to judges and people don't want to get involved. The media doesn't even want to cover it. "
川普说 : "这次选举被操纵了,这次选举完全是一次欺诈。我们的问题在于,我们去找法官,他们不想管,媒体也不报道。”
"We’re not allowed to put in our proof. They say you don’t have standing,"
"You mean as president of the United States, I don't have standing? What kind of a court system is this?" Trump continued.
川普还说 : "我们不被不被允许提供证据, 你说,美国总统说的站不住脚,这是什么样的法律系统?" 。
川普这句“美国总统说的站不住脚” ,潜台词是“还要不要美国总统的领导” ,这神似中国共产党的“还要不要党的领导”
The problem is, it’s hard to get into the Supreme Court," he said. "I’ve got the best Supreme Court advocates, lawyers that want to argue the case if it gets there."
川普说需要最高法院做出重大决定,但川普哀叹:问题是,最高法院可能不接审他的大选案子 。
I would like to file one nice big beautiful lawsuit, talking about this and many other things, with tremendous proof. We have affidavits, we have hundreds and hundreds of affidavits.
川普继续用他的“最高级”形容词 :“我想发起一个 nice , big , beautiful 的法律诉讼,我们有成千上万的证词 ”
任何一级法官,如果判决川普官司获胜,而这个官司能够反转该州大选结果,主动权就在自己手里,对方就需要去上诉推翻判决结果。 如果官司不足够反转大选结果,那你还打毛的官司,演戏骗傻子川粉呢?
1年有7000多起官司上诉到美国最高法院。 而最高法院一般就选100-150多起开庭,你在下级法院连败2场,最高法院接手的可能就会大幅下滑。最高法院这么忙,川普的案子,时间上明显来不及
川普今天早上接受大选之后的首次电视采访(福克斯新闻)。抱怨他在大选之后的法律诉讼中一败涂地,是因为不被允许提供证据,法官根本不想管,他们(法官)说你站不住脚 。
"This election was rigged. This election was a total fraud and it continues to be as they hide. And the problem we have, we go to judges and people don't want to get involved. The media doesn't even want to cover it. "
川普说 : "这次选举被操纵了,这次选举完全是一次欺诈。我们的问题在于,我们去找法官,他们不想管,媒体也不报道。”
"We’re not allowed to put in our proof. They say you don’t have standing,"
"You mean as president of the United States, I don't have standing? What kind of a court system is this?" Trump continued.
川普还说 : "我们不被不被允许提供证据, 你说,美国总统说的站不住脚,这是什么样的法律系统?" 。
川普这句“美国总统说的站不住脚” ,潜台词是“还要不要美国总统的领导” ,这神似中国共产党的“还要不要党的领导”
The problem is, it’s hard to get into the Supreme Court," he said. "I’ve got the best Supreme Court advocates, lawyers that want to argue the case if it gets there."
川普说需要最高法院做出重大决定,但川普哀叹:问题是,最高法院可能不接审他的大选案子 。
I would like to file one nice big beautiful lawsuit, talking about this and many other things, with tremendous proof. We have affidavits, we have hundreds and hundreds of affidavits.
川普继续用他的“最高级”形容词 :“我想发起一个 nice , big , beautiful 的法律诉讼,我们有成千上万的证词 ”
任何一级法官,如果判决川普官司获胜,而这个官司能够反转该州大选结果,主动权就在自己手里,对方就需要去上诉推翻判决结果。 如果官司不足够反转大选结果,那你还打毛的官司,演戏骗傻子川粉呢?
1年有7000多起官司上诉到美国最高法院。 而最高法院一般就选100-150多起开庭,你在下级法院连败2场,最高法院接手的可能就会大幅下滑。最高法院这么忙,川普的案子,时间上明显来不及
最后编辑: 2020-11-29