移民局信原文: 2. The photos must clearly show your face. No head covering and makeup.
3. Photos may be either Balck or Colour.
4. Must show a full front view of the person's head showing full face cnetred in the middle of the phote.
5. be clear, well-defined and taken against a plain white background without shadows.
6. be produced from the same unretouched film or from the same file capturing the digital image or from tow identical photos exposed simultaneously by a split-image or multi-lens camera.
7. be original photos (not taken from existing photo)
8. measure between 25mm and 30mm (1" and 1 1/5") from chin to crown
9. have 35mmx45mm(1 3/8" x 1 3/4") finished size
10. be on photographic paper that has a backing which accepts and retains the date, Photos without this backing are not acceptable.
11. bear the date the photo was taken(not the date the photo was printed) directly on the back of one print(stick on lables are not acceptable)