回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2011年71妥投统计
I see all of us are very excited and anxious about our submittals. guessing the game for the time. as i have limited knowledge yet consulted alot of people about the issue who is in who is out? all said one thing as long as they (CIC) were updating webpage on almost daily basis it was the indicator that they were accepting application and when they stoped and went on hibernation it was the time that they had enough application. so who evers application reached before 10 Aug 2011 is almost certain to be in the cap and the one who fall after are on 50/50 chance.
so, please be patient it takes 2-4 months time to get your Acknowledgement of Reciept (AOR)
we can count atleast 2months from 10 of August 2011 i.e. 10 Oct 2011 atleast people in category 1122 will be recieving their AOR untill Nov - Dec this year.
if everything goes well we all will be fine