

回复: 对基督信仰的思考和讨论

昨天看到一则新闻,一名美国记者MICHAEL HASTINGS在汽车爆炸中丧生。我很心痛,一直难过到现在。现在官方报道是交通事故,民间报道说是暗杀。这名记者曾经写过政府官员的爆料文章,导致高官下台(前情报局长 David H. Petraeus和阿富汗战场最高指挥官McChrystal),并且进行阿富汗战争的相关调查。他死之前几周内正在调查一个社交名人起诉国防部和FBI侵犯隐私的案件。在死前几小时,Michael跟朋友通电话时还说FBI的人在跟踪他。官方在事发当天就报道说此次事故没有foul play,但是现场证据显示许多疑点。比如发动机飞出车外100多尺外形完好,汽车不是撞上树,而是靠在树边。民间媒体说是CIA或者FBI人员引爆了车内的遥控型爆炸装置。

我敬佩这些有胆量的WHISTLE BLOWER,并替那些勇敢的爱国者祷告,我忠心地祈祷独立媒体制片人、脱口秀主持人、基督徒ALEX JONES,作家、媒体评论家Mark Dice能平平安安的,我相信有天使保护着他们。虽然他也曾经受到多次死亡威胁,但他不怕死, 他说:“我死就死吧,反正后继有人。我死了只会上天堂。我们要为美国人的自由战斗到底,为维护美国宪法战斗到底。”我仍然希望他能平安,如果他也被暗杀,我会很难过的。

随着全球统一政府的日趋形成,警察和情报机构的控制力的日渐加强,我想这些事只会越来越多。因为但以理书11:-35节预言:“民间的智慧人必训诲多人,然而他们多日必倒在刀下,或被火烧,或被掳掠抢夺。...... 智慧人中有些扑倒的,为要熬炼其余的人,使他们清静洁白,直到末了,因为到了定期,事就了解。”

最后编辑: 2013-06-22


回复: 对基督信仰的思考和讨论

Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated
Rolling Stone journalist made enemies in FBI, CIA
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
June 20, 2013
The revelation that Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings was working on a story about the CIA before his death and had contacted a Wikileaks lawyer about being under investigation by the FBI hours before his car exploded into flames has bolstered increasingly valid claims that the 33-year-old was assassinated.

Hastings died early Tuesday morning in Hollywood when his car allegedly hit a tree at high speed. The Los Angeles Coroner’s office has not yet been able to officially identify the body as Hastings because it is so badly burned.

Skeptics of the official narrative have highlighted eyewitness accounts which state that Hastings’ Mercedes “exploded”.
Images of the vehicle appear to show more damage to the rear, around the area of the fuel tank, than the front, leading to speculation that a car bomb which ignited the fuel could have been responsible for the incident.

“No matter how you slice this particular pie, a Mercedes is not just going to explode into flames without a little assistance,” writes freelance journalist Jim Stone. “Car fires in new cars happen for three main reasons — running the engine out of oil, or running the engine out of coolant, or after an absolutely huge car mangling accident, having the hot side of the battery short out against the frame before it reaches the fuse panel. And for all 3 of those normal reasons, which account for virtually all car fires in modern cars, the fire would have started in the engine compartment, progressed slowly, and scorched the hell out of the paint before ever reaching the gas tank. That clean paint is the be all tell all, Michael Hastings was murdered, and the rest is detail.”

Stone also questions why a white sheet has been draped over the vehicle in the image below.

The questions surrounding the precise nature of the “accident” that killed Hastings are given more weight by the fact that the journalist had made enemies within both the FBI and the CIA.

“Michael Hastings contacted WikiLeaks lawyer Jennifer Robinson just a few hours before he died, saying that the FBI was investigating him,” the official Wikileaks Twitter account announced yesterday.

Hastings “had the Central Intelligence Agency in his sights” and was set to release an article exposing the agency, according to L.A. Weekly.

The Obama administration and the Justice Department have openly claimed the authority to assassinate American citizens anywhere in the world if they are deemed a national security threat. A number of American citizens have already been killed as a result of this policy. Is it really that crazy to suggest that Michael Hastings was merely the latest victim of this doctrine?

The New York Daily News highlights the fact that Hastings had received multiple death threats before his demise.
Following his role in bringing down Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, Hastings was told by a McChrystal staffer, “We’ll hunt you down and kill you if we don’t like what you write.”
“Whenever I’d been reporting around groups of dudes whose job it was to kill people, one of them would usually mention that they were going to kill me,” said Hastings.

Hastings was renowned for being “only interested in writing stories someone didn’t want him to write — often his subjects,” according to Buzzflash editor Ben Smith, adding, “He knew that there are certain truths that nobody has an interest in speaking, ones that will make you both your subjects and their enemies uncomfortable. They’re stories that don’t get told because nobody in power has much of an interest in telling them.”

The fact that Hastings had made a plethora of enemies as a result of his hard-hitting investigative journalism has prompted a deluge of online comment speculating that the writer’s “car crash” was no accident.

“Hastings’ wreck might make sense on the freeway, but I doubt he’d be dumb enough to go 100 mph on Highland. He’s not some dumb college kid,” said one commenter on a local news site.

“A warning to other journalists to not dig too deep,” another Reddit user wrote. “Stick with the party line if you want a long, happy life.”

If this was an isolated incident then there wouldn’t be so many questions swirling about Hastings’ death. However, he’s certainly not the first individual to go up against the military-industrial complex and wind up in a coffin.

Other journalists who have proven to be a thorn in the side of the establishment have met the same fate, from Andrew Breitbart who was about to release damaging pre-election information about Barack Obama before he collapsed and died in strange circumstances, to Gary Webb, the Pullitzer prize-winning author who exposed the CIA’s involvement in the drug trade and subsequently committed “suicide” after apparently shooting himself in the head – twice.

More recently, Ibragim Todashev, friend of accused Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnev, was shot in the head six times by the FBI, who initially claimed Todashev was armed but later had to admit this was a lie. Speculation has raged that Todashev was assassinated because he had knowledge about the Boston bombings which the feds didn’t want to see the light of public scrutiny.

Despite his actions, the murder of Christopher Dorner, who was burned to death by LAPD officers while hiding inside a cabin, shows that authorities will not hesitate to resort to such methods.

It’s virtually inevitable that the true cause of Michael Hastings death will never be known and that the mainstream media will demonize anyone who questions the official narrative as a conspiracy theorist. Meanwhile, journalists and others who pose a threat to the military-industrial complex will continue to die in bizarre “accidents” that stink of foul play.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.


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关于记者 Michael Hastings,



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Michael Hastings researching Jill Kelley case before his death
Brian Bennett
Los Angeles Times
Thu, 20 Jun 2013 15:03 CDT


During the weeks before he was killed in a car crash in Los Angeles, reporter Michael Hastings was researching a story about a privacy lawsuit brought by Florida socialite Jill Kelley against the Department of Defense and the FBI.

Hastings, 33, was scheduled to meet with a representative of Kelley next week in Los Angeles to discuss the case, according to a person close to Kelley. Hastings wrote for Rolling Stone and the website BuzzFeed.

Kelley alleges that military officials and the FBI leaked her name to the media to discredit her after she reported receiving a stream of emails that were traced to Paula Broadwell, a biographer of former CIA director David H. Petraeus, according to a lawsuit filed in Federal District Court in Washington, D.C., on June 3.

Petraeus resigned from the CIA after publicly admitting that he and Broadwell had carried on an extramarital affair.

The story about Kelley, Broadwell and the Petraeus affair would have been consistent with topics that Hastings has focused on during his reporting career. His unvarnished 2010 Rolling Stone profile of Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top American commander in Afghanistan, led to McChrystal's resignation. The story described the disdain McChrystal's staff showed for President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

Since Hasting's death early Tuesday, wild conspiracy theories have bloomed on the Internet implying that he was murdered by powerful forces wanting to silence him.

On Wednesday night, the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks inserted itself into the story, publishing a message on Twitter that Hasting had contacted a lawyer for the organization hours before his car smashed into a tree on North Highland Avenue in Los Angeles.

The message read: "Michael Hastings contacted WikiLeaks lawyer Jennifer Robinson just a few hours before he died, saying that the FBI was investigating him."

The crash is under investigation and there will be an official accident report after a toxicology test is completed in the coming weeks.


踏实做事 有趣做人
回复: 对基督信仰的思考和讨论

Paul Washer - 一个我喜欢的牧师,分享他的几个讲道。​


"I don't know why you are clapping, I'm talking about you!"-Paul Washer!

最后编辑: 2013-06-27


踏实做事 有趣做人
回复: 对基督信仰的思考和讨论

悔改的道 - 保羅華許

最后编辑: 2013-06-27


踏实做事 有趣做人
回复: 对基督信仰的思考和讨论


<Examine Yourself > - Paul Washer
最后编辑: 2013-06-27


回复: 对基督信仰的思考和讨论

悔改的道 - 保羅華許



谢谢,我挺喜欢保罗华许的,虽然预定论的部分我的看法有些不同,但是关于悔改和遵守主的道这一部分,我是非常赞同他的。我觉得他很真诚。他的许多讲道我都听过,最喜欢他的那个YOUTH MESSAGE,他的核心内容我非常赞同。


回复: 对基督信仰的思考和讨论

Edward Snowden Interview (斯诺顿采访),

Follow up of Journalist Michael Hastings' death(记者迈克黑斯丁被疑遭FBI暗杀的跟踪调查,包括FBI的汽车远程遥控技术),


踏实做事 有趣做人
回复: 对基督信仰的思考和讨论

谢谢,我挺喜欢保罗华许的,虽然预定论的部分我的看法有些不同,但是关于悔改和遵守主的道这一部分,我是非常赞同他的。我觉得他很真诚。他的许多讲道我都听过,最喜欢他的那个YOUTH MESSAGE,他的核心内容我非常赞同。


保 罗华许牧师大部分的信息都是在讲悔改,极少有特别提到神学争论的问题。在美国,各教派的信徒都可能支持保罗华许牧师,因为他的信息最主要就是讲“悔改”。 由于他在极少的部分讲道中提及“一次得救、永远得救”的概念,被发现之后,在美国,有反对“一次得救、永远得救”的牧师开始反对他,甚至要求公开辩论。

之 后,保罗华许公开说明说:“加尔文主义不是重点,重点是灵魂需要真正重生。这就是为什么我可以向约翰卫斯理、陶恕博士、雷欧纳牧师学习,因为他们都不相信 救恩可以被牧者操控 (注:这三位属灵长辈都不相信预定论和“一次得救、永远得救”)。虽然我比较倾向于是一个『五点的司布真式信徒』,但是若我要开始教会,我会找那些『阿米 念信徒』,因为他们积极,他们爱传福音。”[注:阿米念信徒不相信预定论,也不相信“一次得救、永远得救”]保罗华许后来会避开说自己是加尔文主义者,取 而代之说自己是司布真式的信徒。他也不想成为神学争论的焦点。

同时,由于保罗华许受了陶恕博士、雷欧纳牧师、约翰卫斯理的影响,他的讲道内容会感觉比较综合,因为上述这些神的仆人不相信“一次得救、永远得 救”。这就 是为什么对于那些加尔文主义者,他们会感觉耳目一新。比如说,有一次讲道,对于那些真正得救的基督徒,保罗华许对这些人说:“你们要圣洁,如果你爱犯罪, 圣经说耶稣会从他的口中把你吐出去(启三16)。”这句话已经包含了“犯罪又不悔改的基督徒会失去救恩”的概念。


踏实做事 有趣做人
回复: 对基督信仰的思考和讨论




回复: 对基督信仰的思考和讨论


保 罗华许牧师大部分的信息都是在讲悔改,极少有特别提到神学争论的问题。在美国,各教派的信徒都可能支持保罗华许牧师,因为他的信息最主要就是讲“悔改”。 由于他在极少的部分讲道中提及“一次得救、永远得救”的概念,被发现之后,在美国,有反对“一次得救、永远得救”的牧师开始反对他,甚至要求公开辩论。

之 后,保罗华许公开说明说:“加尔文主义不是重点,重点是灵魂需要真正重生。这就是为什么我可以向约翰卫斯理、陶恕博士、雷欧纳牧师学习,因为他们都不相信 救恩可以被牧者操控 (注:这三位属灵长辈都不相信预定论和“一次得救、永远得救”)。虽然我比较倾向于是一个『五点的司布真式信徒』,但是若我要开始教会,我会找那些『阿米 念信徒』,因为他们积极,他们爱传福音。”[注:阿米念信徒不相信预定论,也不相信“一次得救、永远得救”]保罗华许后来会避开说自己是加尔文主义者,取 而代之说自己是司布真式的信徒。他也不想成为神学争论的焦点。

同时,由于保罗华许受了陶恕博士、雷欧纳牧师、约翰卫斯理的影响,他的讲道内容会感觉比较综合,因为上述这些神的仆人不相信“一次得救、永远得 救”。这就 是为什么对于那些加尔文主义者,他们会感觉耳目一新。比如说,有一次讲道,对于那些真正得救的基督徒,保罗华许对这些人说:“你们要圣洁,如果你爱犯罪, 圣经说耶稣会从他的口中把你吐出去(启三16)。”这句话已经包含了“犯罪又不悔改的基督徒会失去救恩”的概念。



我很喜欢他宣教的热忱,不畏艰险、也不屈从于主流。我有时候会收到他的宣教机构heart cry的杂志。他很像一个使徒。但是有些方面我也不赞成,比如他有点崇拜属灵伟人,引用他们的话放在封底。好像属灵伟人就不会出错,或者懂得一切一样。使徒保罗曾说:“你们不可效法我超过圣经所记。”因此盲目崇拜神学家、改教家、属灵伟人、宗教领袖是不符合神心意的。其实司布珍和卫斯理都有他们的缺陷,司布珍相信单方面拣选(或许一生都有疑惑挣扎),卫斯理相信重生以后的信徒也可能失落。这两点我都不同意,我有圣经依据支持“约”是双方的,人有选择的自由和责任,人重生以后不会再失落。另外有一次他引用陶恕的一句话“上帝不需要我们”,这句话有很浓厚的加尔文色彩。

我认为上帝是否需要我们,不是从技术层面而是从情感层面去理解的。就如一个父亲,从physical 的角度,他不需要自己的儿子,因为他有足够的能力处理好他生活中的一切。但是从情感的角度,他是 desperately need his child。我认为上帝对待教会的感情,和对待基督是一样的,他深深的需要他的儿女,所以他才设定了永恒的家庭计划。上帝需要我们,也喜悦我们与神同工。加尔文主义把上帝分析得十分高傲、专断,且冷酷无情。
回复: 对基督信仰的思考和讨论

我认为上帝是否需要我们,不是从技术层面而是从情感层面去理解的。就如一个父亲,从physical 的角度,他不需要自己的儿子,因为他有足够的能力处理好他生活中的一切。但是从情感的角度,他是 desperately need his child。我认为上帝对待教会的感情,和对待基督是一样的,他深深的需要他的儿女,所以他才设定了永恒的家庭计划。上帝需要我们,也喜悦我们与神同工。

既然上帝 desperately needs his children, 它看到这些了吗? 他的永恒家庭计划中有他们吗?

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我认为上帝是否需要我们,不是从技术层面而是从情感层面去理解的。就如一个父亲,从physical 的角度,他不需要自己的儿子,因为他有足够的能力处理好他生活中的一切。但是从情感的角度,他是 desperately need his child。我认为上帝对待教会的感情,和对待基督是一样的,他深深的需要他的儿女,所以他才设定了永恒的家庭计划。上帝需要我们,也喜悦我们与神同工。


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所以请你小葡萄在说上帝 DESPERATELY NEEDS HIS CHILDREN的时候,请动动你的脑子。请你先看看这些照片。 请你先摸着自己的良心想一想。是你特别漂亮还是你特别虔诚才使得上帝有这样的差别对待。

Maybe he desperately needs YOU only. 但请不要伪善地代表她们。 她们不需要你的GOD, 她们只需要活下去。




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