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回复: 我来说说加拿大的"热动工程师” power engineer

请问,UBC大学的 Electrical Engineering 专业在进入三年级时有个Option,就是Electrical Energy Systems ,这个是不是就是power engineer呢?进这个挺难进的呀,我知道去年才从二年级学生中按成绩收了30人。这么费劲地从UBC读完Electrical Energy,毕业了去做技工有点难接受呢。我是一知半解的妈妈,儿子立志要在三年级时进Electrical Energy Systems,这个行业在BC省找工前景好吗?谢谢。

这里的power enginner其实是锅炉操作工,不是什么工程师。你儿子想学的和这个两码事。
回复: 我来说说加拿大的"热动工程师” power engineer


老赶从事的的power engineer是锅炉运行操作工,和大学的工程专业两码事。
回复: 我来说说加拿大的"热动工程师” power engineer






回复: 我来说说加拿大的"热动工程师” power engineer

我在48楼曾经专门谈过两者的区别,不过很多人还是搞混,看来有些省份不采用对负责热力带压设备的运行人员称之为power engineer 还是有道理的。

Winnieip 网友的儿子有智慧、有志向、有决心,我也觉得应该做专业工程师,不该做技工。技工有一个好的单位固然挣钱也不差,但真正能为社会做更大贡献、实现自我价值的可能性不大,尤其是创新性工作。如果我们的下一代没了梦想,没了冲劲,那真是很悲哀的事。UBC 电专业毕业的学生就业主要是在 BC Hydro。几年前曾与BC Hydro一位负责培训的经理有过接触,他说未来十年由于人员退休造成的电力工程师短缺是他们面临的最大挑战之一,不知现在是否有所改观。


电老虎网友[FONT=&quot]“[/FONT]因为我们是按照方案负责运行电力系统的,是[FONT=&quot]licensed trades[/FONT][FONT=&quot]”[/FONT]的说法并不十分准确。电力系统的绝大部分运行与热动工程师实际上没有关系,热动工程师只可能运行热电厂([FONT=&quot]Thermal power plants[/FONT]),不管是烧煤、烧天然气、垃圾、化工尾料抑或是核反应堆,烧木屑,沼气、甘蔗渣等,总之是有产生热的原料并有一定压力的设备。如果是风电、水电、潮汐发电等就不需要热动工程师。发电以后的输配电运行热动工程师就更沾不上边了。[FONT=&quot]2[/FONT]年前曾经看到[FONT=&quot] BC Hydro[/FONT]招收水电站培训生的广告,他们是从高中生中选拔和培养的。[FONT=&quot]5[/FONT][FONT=&quot]6[/FONT]年前[FONT=&quot] Hydro one [/FONT]招收的电力输配电系统运行人员基本要求也是高中生,但是我估计一些受过社区学院电力课程的学生更有竞争力。这些运行人员没有加拿大统一的证书,以前只是需要满足各公司自己认可的培训和要求。但现在在一定的时间段内必须获得NERC的相关证书。

我曾经有机会参观过[FONT=&quot]Hydro One 2005[/FONT]年全面投运的位于[FONT=&quot]Barrie[/FONT]的安省电网控制中心。这是一个集电网运方、检修计划、调度、远方状态监控和设备诊断、数据采集等功能为一体的建筑,其中心控制室的规模和相关配套设施是任何石油公司和电厂控制室无法比拟的,猛看上去更象航天发射控制中心。你可以从以下链接获得一些大概印象:[FONT=&quot]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdFOYU_qs8s[/FONT]

类似这样的控制中心,各省都有,只是没这么新、现代。亚省由于电力改革,发、供电公司较多,相应的控制室也多,主要有负责输电系统的[FONT=&quot]Altalink[/FONT]在卡尔加里的控制中心,[FONT=&quot]ATCO[/FONT] 在[FONT=&quot]Vegreville[/FONT]Epcor 在埃德蒙顿、Enmax 在卡尔加里 的系统控制中心等。

亚省电力改革后发、输、供全部分开,在卡尔加里新成立了一个省一级的竞价上网交易和电网运营公司AESO(Alberta Electrical System Operator)。在安省,电力改革做到了发、输供分开,因此在多伦多也有类似的一个IESO (The Independent Electricity System Operator)。以上两家的中心控制室我也曾参观过,很是气派漂亮。911纽约世贸大楼恐怖袭击和 2003年8.14 大停电后,电网的可靠性和安全性被提到了新的高度。北美电力可靠性协会NERC 的各种自愿性规章制度变成了强制性的,各电网关键部门的安保措施也大为加强。现在这两个中心的位置都变成了保密的,而且一般人没有可能参观了。这里的电力系统运行值班员(controller)与热动没有任何关系。

如果有新移民以前是搞电力系统的,英语较好,这也是一个选择。如果有人对这些控制中心的值班员有兴趣,巧了,[FONT=&quot]ATCO[/FONT] 正在招人,每小时大概[FONT=&quot]$45, [/FONT]也不错:

[FONT=&quot]System Control Center Operator/Distribution System Operator (2 Positions) [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Competition Number:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]02-O13-75-IEXT [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Job Category:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Distribution Operator [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Posting Date:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]7/9/2013 8:00:00 AM [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Closing Date:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]8/2/2013 11:59:00 PM [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Job Location:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Northern Alberta - Vegreville [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot](Bi-weekly Salary: $3,638.47 - $4,048.79)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Reporting to the Superintendent, Distribution Operations, the successful candidate will work with new technology applications on a team that oversees and controls the operation of ATCO Electric’s distribution system. This position is based in Vegreville and will operate out of the new System Operations Centre in Vegreville.[/FONT]

  • [FONT=&quot]-Using the latest in software technology, coordinate planned outages, respond to unplanned outages, and direct all distribution switching activities.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]-Ensure the safety of employees working on the distribution system by creating a safe work environment, and monitoring safe work and security procedures.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]-Perform administrative duties such as preparing daily reports and procedural updates, performance reporting and operational efficiencies.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]-Participate in staff meetings and representing the Distribution Operations on planning and project teams. Actively aid in the training and mentoring of new staff.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]-Interface with ATCO Electric field staff, Central Work Desk, lineman, customers, Distribution Engineering and the Transmission Operators, and other utilities.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]-A combination of shift work is involved. The successful candidate will be expected to reside within the recognized boundaries of the Vegreville community and provide after hours on-call coverage.[/FONT]

  • [FONT=&quot]-A High School Diploma is required.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]-Either a related technology diploma or related journeyman certificate is required.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]-5 years related experience including a thorough knowledge of the distribution system. Experience as an Operator-In-Charge would be an asset.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]-Strong verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to write in clear, concise terms.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]-Excellent interpersonal, organizational, problem solving skills, and the ability to think logically.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]-Thorough knowledge of electrical principals, systems, switching procedures and Electrical Communication Utility Code (ECUC)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]-Knowledge of Power System Work Standards (PSWS), Safety Standards Manual (SSM) and other appropriate ATCO Electric policies and procedures is considered an asset[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]-A good understanding of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations and a commitment to a safe work environment.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]-If you are interested in contributing within an ever changing environment where the delivery of power and complimentary services are essential to providing excellent value for our customers, please apply by selecting the “APPLY” button. Please quote the job title, competition number, location and indicate where you saw the ad for our reference purposes. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]To be eligible for hire, candidates will be required to complete a Security Clearance Check satisfactory to ATCO Electric. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]We would like to thank all applicants for their interest in the above position, however, only those considered for an interview will be contacted.[/FONT]
亚省首府埃德蒙顿的城区供电局 Epcor是多年的加拿大100家最佳雇主,也是亚省60 最佳雇主。他们也在招电力系统控制中心运行值班员,每小时工资$49.87 $51.15, 比起市区周边的石油公司热动工程师,也算是高的:

Job Title:Electrical System Control Operator -Trainee
Location: Edmonton, AB, CA

Organization Name: Electricity Services, Substations & Systems Control
Department Description: EPCOR provides clean water and wastewater services, and safe, reliable power to the places where we live and work. It's not an easy job, but one that we all take pride in. Join EPCOR and help us keep the lights on and the water safe for your friends and neighbours. At EPCOR, it's about providing more. All we're missing is you.

Headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, EPCOR is one of Alberta's Top 60 Employers. We have received an A+ for corporate responsibility reporting for five years in a row under Global Reporting Initiative guidelines.

Brief Description: Do you have a Journeyman certificate as a Power System Electrician or Power Lineman (Technician) and would like to try something new and challenging? Are you looking for a new career path and have an Electrical Engineering Technology diploma combined with related electrical experience? Then Electricity Services, Substations & Systems Control has the perfect opportunity for you as an Electrical System Control Operator.

One (1) permanent full-time position is available.

Detailed Description: The Electrical System Control Operator is accountable for ensuring safety and responding to alarms/interruptions and to coordinate switching in the electrical Distribution and Transmission (D&T).
-Reporting to the Manager, System Control Operations you are accountable for, but not limited to:
-Providing input to the System Control plans and directions and ensuring on-going appropriate relationships with other positions.
-Ensuring delivery of optimal results against appropriate performance metrics which includes:
-Consistently producing operational effective and efficient outcomes with the switching order process
-Response to alarms , Power outage restoration ,Information updates ,Logging of events, Ensuring safety in the operation of the Electrical and D&T Systems.
-Monitoring EPCOR's D&T Electrical System in conjunction with the Alberta Interconnected Electrical System (AIES).
-Responding to alarms with corrective actions.
-Analyzing planned & unplanned service interruptions with field personnel.
-Restoring the D&T System when abnormal outages occur.
-Developing and checking switching orders to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the D&T System plus the LRT and Streetlight/Traffic systems.
-Scheduling and coordinating switching for various areas such as: Aerial Under Ground (UG), Substation, Generating Plant. Private customers
-Performing administrative duties as required
-Demonstrating a high performance, high discipline, safe, accountable, focused, innovative and achievement-oriented, easy to do business with manner of working.
-Dispatching Emergency crews as required to safely secure system problems.

Job Requirements: The successful candidate will possess:
-Grade12 or GED.
-Journeyman Power System Electrician or Power Lineman Certificate.
-Two (2) year diploma in Electrical Engineering Technology from a recognized post-secondary institute combined with a minimum of 5 years of related electrical experience in the power industry may be considered.
-Demonstrated ability to communication devices such as, use radio, telephone and satellite phone.
-Ability to obtain NERC Certification within specified time frame.
-Strong computer skills related to automated control systems (OMS/DMS & DA).
-To meet the demands of the position, good physical health is required. Clearance on pre-placement medical and drug and alcohol testing may be required.
-Clearance on a security background check and professional reference checks are required.
-Must be legally entitled to work in Canada. A copy of a valid work permit may be required.
Additionally, these would be valuable assets for successful candidates to possess:
-Awareness of the regulations of the Alberta Electrical and Communication Utility Code, in addition to having knowledge of electrical load limits.
-Sound technical working knowledge of the D&T System and its interconnection with the AIES, which includes Generation.
-Solid knowledge in high voltage standards, IEEE, Alberta Electric Utility Code (AEUC).
-Proven knowledge of Provincial Grid, EUC, PCB, First Aid/CPR,WHMIS, OHSA and Alberta One Call.

The successful candidate will have a proven track record of good safety habits and ensuring safe work procedures and work practices are followed. Other demonstrated competencies required for success in this position include analytical thinking, highly-developed planning and organizational skills combined with excellent communications skills. They will have a collaborative and team-oriented outlook and approach to work situations and maintain a positive work ethic. Our best candidate will demonstrate strong attention to detail and a high level of technical and professional expertise in performing their work. In addition, the Electrical System Control Operator will demonstrate excellence with executing customer service and conducting themselves in a professional manner at all times.

Health and safety are integral to EPCOR's work, and we strive to maintain a zero-injury organizational culture. As such, all candidates must possess a high level of safety awareness and demonstrate safe work practices at all times. Candidates will also be required to actively participate in safety and other job-related training.

Additional Details: This position is eligible for a $1,500 Employee Referral Reward!
Class: SC1 (8121)

Wage: $49.87 to $51.15 per hour (This position will be a developmental training position that will prepare the successful candidate to move up to the Electrical System Control Operator full rate.)

Hours of work: A combination of 8 and 12 hour shifts which equal 80 hours per pay period on rotating shifts. (Successful candidates will be required to be fully engaged in the compressed work week in accordance with Addendum #2 6.02 of the IBEW Collective Agreement.)

Commencing with your first day of employment as a permanent EPCOR employee you will enjoy a variety of benefits, such as: Competitive salary, Annual incentive (bonus) pay program , Paid vacation, Flexible benefits plan, Access to internal and external career development programs , Financial support for personal development, Pension Plan, Wellness (Personal Spending) Account . Career opportunities in a wide variety of disciplines and operational areas, Financial support for charitable organizations that employees contribute to

Additional Notes: For successful candidates wishing to relocate to Edmonton, Alberta Relocation Assistance may be provided.

Edmonton is a great place to call home. For more information about the area and all it has to offer individuals and their families, please visit https://corp.epcor.com/News/2012/Pages/feature-location-edmonton.aspx

How To Apply: Thank you for your interest in a career with EPCOR. Although we would like to respond to each individual candidate, due to the large volume of applications, only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.

EPCOR is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Positions are filled by means of open competition where the selection is based on job-related skills, training, experience, suitability and, where appropriate, seniority. Please note that all EPCOR positions are subject to a criminal records check.

EPCOR only accepts resumes via on-line application at www.epcor.com/careers. If you choose to submit your resume by any other means, we cannot guarantee that your application will be considered.

Jurisdiction: IBEW1007

Vacancy Closing Date: 11-Aug-2013

位于卡尔加里的阿尔伯塔电力系统运营公司 AESO 集中了亚省电力系统的众多行业精英,是公认工作氛围好,福利待遇高的电力公司,也是很多人向往的地方。该公司这一阵子也在招电力系统控制中心值班员:

As an independent system operator, the AESO leads the safe, reliable and economic planning and operation of Alberta’s interconnected power system. The AESO also facilitates Alberta’s fair, efficient and openly competitive wholesale electricity market, which in 2012 had about 170 participants and approximately $6.4 billion in annual energy transactions.

System Controller
Position Summary:
Reporting to the Manager, Real Time Operations, successful candidates:
- Ensure the economic real time dispatch and direction of energy and ancillary services within ISO Rules.
- Direct the operation of the Alberta interconnected electric system through application of Alberta Reliability Standards and Operating Policies and Procedures to meet AESO Reliability Criteria.

Accountabilities and Responsibilities:
- Ensure that electric energy offered into the Independent System Operator (ISO) is dispatched in accordance with the ISO rules.
- Dispatch and direct ancillary services in accordance with policies and procedures.
- Post hourly pool price and ensure dispatch logs are maintained.
- Schedule and manage energy transfers on interconnections.
- Monitor contingency analysis and run dispatcher load flow programs to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the interconnected electric system. -Provide direction to transmission facility owners and generation facility owners to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the interconnected electric system.
-Logging and reporting of system conditions and events.
-Assist others in understanding the ISO rules, operating policies and procedures, and system requirements in real time.
-Take immediate action to alleviate all system overload conditions and follow procedures to mitigate supply shortfall conditions.
-Restore the Alberta interconnected electric system to a safe and stable state within required timelines following a system contingency or disturbance.

-Technical diploma in Electrical Engineering or Journeyman Electrical Certificate.
-NERC System Operator Certification to the RC level.

The Alberta Electric System Operator, and its members, officers, employees and agents (collectively, the "AESO") is committed to protecting personal information provided to it. By submitting your personal information to the AESO for the purpose of pursuing employment with the AESO, you hereby consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information by the AESO, in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act of Alberta, as amended from time to time

Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Experience Required:
-Minimum of 10 years’ experience in electric system operations.
-Detailed knowledge of the Alberta Interconnected Electric System, including all constraints and operating procedures, ISO rules and operating policies and procedures.
-Detailed knowledge of system performance criteria, Alberta Reliability Standards and AESO Operating Policies and procedures, Western Electrical Coordination Council (WECC) policies and procedures, automatic generation and frequency control as well as hydro, coal, gas and wind generator characteristics.
-Ability to identify, analyze and resolve problems by making clear decisions during times of high stress. Established policies and procedures usually provide parameters for problem solving and course of action, however a thorough understanding of electrical operations and creativity is required.
-Decisions typically affect own job and work group. Must be able to work effectively without direct supervision in a highly stressful environment.
-Strong working knowledge of standard desktop computer applications
-The ability to learn and understand new and advanced applications used in the operation of the electrical system and the ISO market.
-Must be able to adapt to an ever-changing environment. 12-hour shift work in a 24-hour X 7days a week environment.
-Excellent, fluent command of spoken and written English.

If you are interested in the above position, please email your resume in confidence to careers@aeso.ca by August 25, 2013 in order to be considered.

The AESO is unable to accept unsolicited agency resumes. Any resumes submitted become the sole property of the Alberta Electric System Operator.

The AESO would like to thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.


老赶讲的对的,power engineer最好翻译成锅炉操作工或所谓好听点,叫锅炉运行人员。和电力系统操作工或运行人员两码事。国内电厂或电网运行人员很多是本科生,甚至研究生,一般都有工程师职称,也叫运行工程师。
最后编辑: 2013-10-26
回复: 我来说说加拿大的"热动工程师” power engineer

你这当妈的,最好到学校的专业网站里去看看原版的专业描述,那是正宗答案。我的理解是这个专业是培养注册工程师的,因为有degree。负责发电及其电力系统维护,设计,出运行方案的。和power engieer截然不同,因为我们是按照方案负责运行电力系统的,是licensed trades。两条不同的道路。
油砂的3级以上power engineer一年收入近20万,比专业engineer高接近一倍。很多后者想进入前者,却不可能。
在Fort Mcmurray油田及生产装置的收入20到40万的工艺,机械,电气,仪表,土木,结构,项目管理,钻井,完井等工程师多如牛毛。
回复: 我来说说加拿大的"热动工程师” power engineer

在Fort Mcmurray油田及生产装置的收入20到40万的工艺,机械,电气,仪表,土木,结构,项目管理,钻井,完井等工程师多如牛毛。



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回复: 我来说说加拿大的"热动工程师” power engineer


回复: 我来说说加拿大的"热动工程师” power engineer

回复: 我来说说加拿大的"热动工程师” power engineer


回复: 我来说说加拿大的"热动工程师” power engineer


回复: 我来说说加拿大的"热动工程师” power engineer


回复: 我来说说加拿大的"热动工程师” power engineer


回复: 我来说说加拿大的"热动工程师” power engineer


回复: 我来说说加拿大的"热动工程师” power engineer






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