回复: 砍掉投资移民,同事们的看法
税前年薪7.9 millions的话,税后是多少呢?15万以上收入,联邦的个得税24.2%, 魁省的是25.8%, 合计50% 。 7.9百万,还能剩下不是1个百万,而是3个多吧。
By: Dana Flavelle Economy, Published on
Wed Jan 01 2014
Top 100 CEOs earned $7.9 million on average, report says
Average Canadian earned $46,634, according to Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Five years after the Great Recession wiped out thousands of jobs, Canada’s
top 100 chief executive officers continue to live in the “economic stratosphere,” a study says.
Canada’s highest paid 100 CEOs earned
an average of $7.9 million in 2012, a report by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives found.
In comparison, the average Canadian earned $46,634 that year, the study by the progressive think tank noted.
That means Canada’s top CEOs earned
171 times the average industrial wage, the report says.