


回复: 2005年Beingjing Case议事大厅



回复: 2005年Beingjing Case议事大厅

回复: 2005年Beingjing Case议事大厅


Dear XXX,

This letter is inregard to your application reveived at our office. Although you have not declared that you are using a representative, we have determined that you have an unauthorized immigration representative based on the fact that the mailing address you provided on your application is the same mailing address as provided on numerous applications unrelated to your application,leading us to believe there is an undisclosed representative assisting you.

Failure to disclose the use of a paid representative may be considered misrepresentation. The consequence of misrepresentation under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act is the refusal of your application and subsequent inadmissibility for two years.

Please review this matter carefully.If you wish to amend your application to indicate that you are using a paid representative, please review the Instructions - Use of a Representative(IMM 5561) form and complete a Use of a Representative (IMM 5476) form and return it to us Immigration.

To verify if a representative is authorized to conduct business with Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Canadian Border Services Agency, refer to our Web Site at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/consultants/verify-rep.html.

To obtain a Use of Representative (IMM 5476) form to identify an authorized representative , you can retrieve it on-line at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/representative.html.

You are not obliged to hire a representative for immigration matters. The Government of Canada treats everyone equally, whether they use the services of a representative or not. If you choose to hire a representative, your application will not be given special attention nor can you expect faster processing or a more favourable outcome.

However , if you decide to be represented by a paid representative, it is necessary for the representative to be authorized, that is , a member in good standing with a Canadian provincial or territorial law society, the Canadan Society of Immigration Consultants or the Chamber des notaires du Quebec.

In the mean time, we will cease to use the mailling address you have provided on your application as means of contact.
回复: 2005年Beingjing Case议事大厅



Dear XXX,

This letter is inregard to your application reveived at our office. Although you have not declared that you are using a representative, we have determined that you have an unauthorized immigration representative based on the fact that the mailing address you provided on your application is the same mailing address as provided on numerous applications unrelated to your application,leading us to believe there is an undisclosed representative assisting you.

Failure to disclose the use of a paid representative may be considered misrepresentation. The consequence of misrepresentation under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act is the refusal of your application and subsequent inadmissibility for two years.

Please review this matter carefully.If you wish to amend your application to indicate that you are using a paid representative, please review the Instructions - Use of a Representative(IMM 5561) form and complete a Use of a Representative (IMM 5476) form and return it to us Immigration.

To verify if a representative is authorized to conduct business with Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Canadian Border Services Agency, refer to our Web Site at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/consultants/verify-rep.html.

To obtain a Use of Representative (IMM 5476) form to identify an authorized representative , you can retrieve it on-line at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/representative.html.

You are not obliged to hire a representative for immigration matters. The Government of Canada treats everyone equally, whether they use the services of a representative or not. If you choose to hire a representative, your application will not be given special attention nor can you expect faster processing or a more favourable outcome.

However , if you decide to be represented by a paid representative, it is necessary for the representative to be authorized, that is , a member in good standing with a Canadian provincial or territorial law society, the Canadan Society of Immigration Consultants or the Chamber des notaires du Quebec.

In the mean time, we will cease to use the mailling address you have provided on your application as means of contact.


镜破不改光、兰死不改 香
回复: 2005年Beingjing Case议事大厅

回复: 2005年Beingjing Case议事大厅


Dear XXX,

This letter is inregard to your application reveived at our office. Although you have not declared that you are using a representative, we have determined that you have an unauthorized immigration representative based on the fact that the mailing address you provided on your application is the same mailing address as provided on numerous applications unrelated to your application,leading us to believe there is an undisclosed representative assisting you.

Failure to disclose the use of a paid representative may be considered misrepresentation. The consequence of misrepresentation under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act is the refusal of your application and subsequent inadmissibility for two years.

Please review this matter carefully.If you wish to amend your application to indicate that you are using a paid representative, please review the Instructions - Use of a Representative(IMM 5561) form and complete a Use of a Representative (IMM 5476) form and return it to us Immigration.

To verify if a representative is authorized to conduct business with Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Canadian Border Services Agency, refer to our Web Site at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/consultants/verify-rep.html.

To obtain a Use of Representative (IMM 5476) form to identify an authorized representative , you can retrieve it on-line at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/representative.html.

You are not obliged to hire a representative for immigration matters. The Government of Canada treats everyone equally, whether they use the services of a representative or not. If you choose to hire a representative, your application will not be given special attention nor can you expect faster processing or a more favourable outcome.

However , if you decide to be represented by a paid representative, it is necessary for the representative to be authorized, that is , a member in good standing with a Canadian provincial or territorial law society, the Canadan Society of Immigration Consultants or the Chamber des notaires du Quebec.

In the mean time, we will cease to use the mailling address you have provided on your application as means of contact.
建议DIY(Do it yourself自己办),免得好多麻烦!家园有好多朋友都是自己弄的,我也不例外。
回复: 2005年Beingjing Case议事大厅

11 小时前 20:58helenawu513引用:
作者: Lucy0214
不过疑惑:是不是VO 分别处理不同的中介送的案子呀

:wdb6: 谁又变态了呀?几月的case?



回复: 2005年Beingjing Case议事大厅

11 小时前 20:58helenawu513引用:
作者: Lucy0214
不过疑惑:是不是VO 分别处理不同的中介送的案子呀

:wdb6: 谁又变态了呀?几月的case?



镜破不改光、兰死不改 香
回复: 2005年Beingjing Case议事大厅


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